

Teemu Oksanen

is best known of his black and white landscape work.

These days he also does commercial work. He take photos for companies such as Genelec, Valio, Laakkonen. 

He's adventurer and ultrarunner! He can go long distances and fast with his camera. He take photos to Finnish Juoksija magazine. He's also sponsored by Salomon and FootBalance

e m a i l

t e l e p h o n e

p u b l i c a t i o n s

m a g a z i n e s
Suomen Luonto
Kamera-lehti 9/2015 - Photographer of the Month - 10 page article

w e b
Sirui blog
Inspiration Hut
Photography Served
Design You Trust
Flickr Mono Monday
Terra Quantum

e x h i b i t i o n s
H E T K I – LUMO Monitoimikeskus 2013
Hotel Glo exhibition 2012

o t h e r . p a g e s
Valokuvaus OXA
Outdoor Oksanen

s o c i a l . m e d i a