El Paisaje Perfecto - Article about black and white landscape photography

Spanish landscape photography magazine El Paisaje Perfecto just published article about black and white landscape photography. I'm honored to be one of the photographers they interviewed and featured in this article.

Here you can find the article: http://www.elpaisajeperfecto.com/2015/10/la-vision-de-4-fotografos-del-paisaje.html
(Article is in Spanish, but you can translate it to your local language. Just click the "translate" image on the right side of the page and choose your language)


Vision 4 photographers
landscape black and white


Introduction ...

     It is time to get serious about landscape photography in black and white, so we present an article in which four photographers landscapes brings their vision. David Frutos, Teemu Oksanen, Greg Russell and Juan Santos we talk about its method of work, what inspires them, the place of the black and white in their work and, ultimately, what they consider essential when photographing landscape in black and white. Besides, what better way to reflect his view that one of your pictures! And they tell us in a few words, the most significant of that image how? when? where? and more importantly why?

Teemu OksanenComment